Pirate weapons
history, Pirate weapons 2:17 π.μ.
Pirate weapons could be very destructive, but they might not have been used the way you imagine. Modern weapons are used to destroy the enemy and their ships, planes, tanks, and etc. from great distances, if possible, but pirates in history used their weapons with a much different goal. They were focused on capturing the enemy's ship, contents, and people with as little damage as necessary to the attackers or the prizes. This would make the up-close-and-personal tactic more necessary at times. Read on to discover more about pirate weapons, including pirate guns, pirate swords, and pirate cannons. The weapons used in a pirate attack were important. A pirate was not immune to death. And you all know, a Dead Men Tells No Tales, or spends their ill gotten booty! The pirates survival was the most important aspect during a pirate raid. The weapons they used were to give themselves the edge in battle, and ensure their own survival.
Cannons and Artillery
There were several different types of cannon shot used in a battle.
Cannon Balls
Bar Shot- Bar Shot was a large iron bar that would be shot at the ships. It would make rather large holes as it hurled into the wood. It had a much shorter range then regular cannon shot due to the lack of a predictable trajectory.
Chain Shot
Stinkpots - A stinkpot was a small pot, made of clay, and filled with burning sulfur, or rotten fish. These pots were tossed onto the deck of the enemy ship. The stench of the smoke was enough to cause the crew inhaling it to become rapidly sick, thus incapacitated in a fight.
Hand grenades - A hand grenades of the pirate days were a make shift device made from glass bottles, wood, iron or clay. They would be filled with gunpowder and topped with a fuse. Often times they would be filled with shrapnel such as broken glass or twisted metal. The were effective anti-personnel weapons.
Bundle Shot - A bundle shot was a pack of metal bars shot at the enemy crews. This tended to cause heavy casualties.
Grape shot
Pistols and Rifles
Swivel Guns
Flintlock Pistol
Multi-barreled Pistol - This variation on the flintlock pistol was a highly unreliable weapon. It consisted of many barrels containing one shot each. They were inaccurate and often misfired.
Bladed Weapons
Dagger - A dagger was also a common weapon as it was easy to carry and could come in handy in many situations. A dagger was a smaller weapon then the cutlass and varied in size and functionality. They were used as a secondary weapon in a cutlass fight, or used in stealth attacks. They also came in handy for cutting down rigging, or in everyday life on a ship.
Dirk - The dirk was a smaller knife then the dagger. Commonly used as a thrown weapon.
Boarding Hooks - The boarding hooks were metal clawed shaped devices hooked to a strong line. They were used in boarding parties and were tossed aboard the enemy vessel. The crew would pull the enemy closer so they could more easily board.
Boarding Axes - A boarding axe was an axe on one end, and a hammer on the other. They often had a 2 or 3 foot handle and could be easily wielded as a deadly weapon. They were swung around on the ship after the boarding to cut the lines, sails or the enemy combatants. The heavy end of the axe could be used to knock down doors or break through windows. The boarding axe also used in fighting fires aboard ship, and in general cutting and wood working.
Make Shift Weapons - Often times a weapon could be made from any part of the ship. A belaying pin could be used as a club for instance. During a fight on a ship, any thing is fair game. Much like the cannons being loaded with whatever was around, anything that could swing, bludgeon, or cut was used in a fight.