
Πέμπτη 11 Νοεμβρίου 2010

The Laffite Project

Famed Pirate Jean Laffite led a life historians like to write about, southerners love to talk about and most others have never heard about. However, he remains one of the most colorful characters in American History. He has been called "The Terror of the Gulf", "The Hero of New Orleans" and the "Robin Hood of His Time." At three seperate times U.S. Presidents have condemned and then exonerated his actions. Though known as a pirate, Laffite saw himself as a priavteer, doing his part to help the economy of the young United States. If not for laffite and his band of pirates, the U.S. would have lost the War of 1812 to the British and American History would have been changed forever. Laffite was a man of secrets and contradictions and to this day his true story has yet to be told... Until Now!

Brothers Chuck and Cody Hix embark on an epic journey to learn the truth behind the legendary pirate. Stories that have been passed down in their family for over 200 years claim that the name Laffite was just an alias their ancestor created in order to protect his true identity. On their worldwide journey to uncover the truth, they risk their lives to investigate a dark conspiracy that could re-write history and link their family to millions.

Within each location the brothers find answers to the mysteries, which sends them on new & exciting adventures. As the Hix brothers travel all around the globe, they use the most advanced technologies and techniques, giving them the advantage that history hunters of the past didn't have. The brothers dive to murky depths to discover sunken ships, fly high to get a birds eye view of Lafitte's hidden forts, explore historical sites in some of the oldest buildings in existence and search deserted islands for hidden cashes.

As their adventures yield new artifacts and information, the Hix brothers become that much closer to their ultimate goal of discovering the full history of their historic connection to famed pirate Jean Laffite.

The Laffite Project was created in 2007 by Jay Hix Jones and Tyler Townsend to help discover the full history of famed pirate Jean Laffite. It stars brothers Chuck and Cody Hix and is currently optioned by Target Entertainment

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