Crowe starred in the film as Captain Jack Aubrey and he’s long held a great deal of affection for the film. So much so that he’s now attempting to rally fans into pressuring Fox for the sequel Master & Commander so richly deserves. A few minutes ago Russell used Twitter to deliver this message:
If you want a Master and Commander sequel I suggest you e-mail Tom Rothman at Fox and let him know your thoughts
It was back in mid-2009 here that we first heard Russell Crowe was working on developing a Master and Commander 2. Since then we haven’t heard much about the project. Maybe Crowe’s tweet is just the result of random, after-midnight musings or maybe he’s really been talking to Fox about getting it done and is looking for help in getting them on his side. Either way, I’ll bite. If there’s a fight, I’m on Capt. Jack Aubrey's side.
Since you probably don’t have Tom Rothman’s email, I’d like to suggest an alternative means of supporting Russell Crowe’s push to revive Master and Commander as a franchise. 20th Century Fox has recently set up a twitter account, to promote their upcoming movies. Rather than waiting on Russell to look up Rothman’s email address, simply click right here to tell 20th Century Fox how much you want Master and Commander 2. Rally together and hold fast!
By Josh Tyler
Published: 2010-12-06 02:58:07
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